UFS-DiMTEC receives Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme students
Out of the six first cohort students who were awarded the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme scholarships at the University of the Free State, two were accepted to do their PhD in Disaster Management. The programme aims to improve the skills and competencies of students through enhanced mobility between African countries. It also aims to promote cooperation between African countries and reduce poverty by increasing qualified professionals in Africa. The programme is also intended to increase inter-cultural exchange in Africa and prepare the background for eventual regional integration in Africa. The University of the Free State is a partner institution of the Fostering Research and Intra-African Knowledge Transfer through Mobility and Education (FRAME) Project and DiMTEC as the local coordinating partner invited applicants to apply for its disaster management qualifications.
The four students are from Namibia, Botswana, and Cameroon. Ms. Moises will do her PhD in Disaster Management with her research titled, ‘Evaluation of operational early warning systems for flood risk reduction in Namibia’. Ms Awah will also do her PhD in Disaster Management and her research topic is ‘Assessing the impacts of floods on water resources along the Cameroon coast: Case study of Douala’. The other students will do their Masters in Agricultural Economics.
UFS-DiMTEC is proud to be a part of this initiative for the first time and it is hoping that this programme will further widen the Centre’s footprint in Africa. The Centre will also make use of this opportunity to enhance staff mobility and open doors for project collaborations with other institutions of higher education in Africa.