Partner - UBUEA


Professor Endeley & Dr Justin Ayuk meeting with the Vice Chancellor , Professor Ngomo Horace Manga

i. Academic Related Services:
- Registration process for students – registering of courses on the online portal; certification and submission of academic and other certificates to the office of admission and records.
- Acquisition of library cards to facilitate access to the University Library.
- Acquisition of student identity cards which is required to write their semester (end of course) examinations.
- Access to guidance councillors if need be.
- Tour of the university campus to identify the different lecture halls, ITC centres, restaurants, etc.
ii. Health Related Services
- Facilitate access to the university health centre and the regional hospital if need be.
- Facilitate access to off campus heath facilities if need arises.
iii. Sport, Housing and other Social Services
- The university has different sporting activities available to students. The UB FRAME team shall facilitate students’ access to any sporting activity of their choice.
- Facilitate students’ membership to any on campus association of their choice if need be e.g. University Choir, Orchestra, Matching Ban, Debate Club, Common Wealth Club, Theatre Arts Club, Fan Club, Science Club, National University games competition, etc
- The UB FRAME team will facilitate students’ access to off campus accommodation, especially as on campus accommodation is limited and only available to female students who are nationals.
- Students will be introduced to units that render services to students on campus such as the Department of Students’ Affairs at centre and ensure that they also are aware of the specific services available in their respective academic departments and programmes.
Insurance claim services
- offered by the Department of Students’ Affairs